Medical professionals are not flawless. While they may have tons of training and experience, mistakes still happen. However, it requires more than proof of an error to show that a doctor committed medical malpractice. You must show the proper standards of care were not met and this resulted in an injury.
Being disappointed in the results of a doctor is not enough to move forward. Mistakes that did not lead to harm also aren’t enough for a medical malpractice claim. Below are a few of the most common sources of medical malpractice.
Sometimes doctors don’t recognize and diagnose a condition when another physician would have. Misdiagnosis may allow a condition to get worse, requiring more extensive treatment and causing additional pain and suffering. With serious conditions like cancer, a late or inaccurate diagnosis can result in death. For this claim, an expert will be needed to state they would have diagnosed the right issue more quickly.
Another common form of medical malpractice happens during surgeries. These errors should never happen and it may be easier to show negligence in these cases. One example of this error would be leaving a surgical instrument inside of someone’s body. Operating on the wrong body part or patient would also fall under this heading.
Nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals can be held accountable if there is an error in providing or prescribing medication. Doctors are often the ones held liable for errors while prescribing, while the hospital and nurses employed by them can be held liable for administration issues. Some prescription issues are tied to misdiagnosis. In other cases, the wrong dose may be prescribed or administered.
Obstetricians, gynecologists, and others who help with childbirth could cause serious harm to newborns by not meeting professional standards of care. This can lead to fractures, developmental disorders, never damage, paralysis, cerebral palsy, and other problems. Inadequate care before or during childbirth can also harm the child or mother. Birth injuries can also occur when a birth defect or medical condition is not diagnosed.
When you’ve been the victim of medical malpractice, you need an attorney in your corner. This professional will give you information about your options and rights under the law. Grewer Law specializes in cases like these and is here to assist you. Reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation.
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